Consolidate in the city and region an academic space of philosophical work about universal themes of human knowledge and praxis, which provide the necessary elements for reflection and research in the fields of science, technology, morality and culture in general.
Create within the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira a strong community of philosophical work able to reflect on the problems inherent to the production of scientific and technical knowledge as well as practical, moral, political and cultural implications that it entails.
The education achieved through the critical and direct work with authors and subjects that make up the main lines of thought provide the elements and the necessary attitude to rise in right philosophical language terms, the problems that underlie the different fields of knowledge and human endeavor. This education makes it possible to address the increasingly felt need to venture into all areas of life both intellectual and social and political, from a rigorous point of reflection that embraces the foundations of our culture. However, this perspective implies its own construction which implies the creation or opening of the discursive spaces in the society. These spaces couldn’t be created before due to multiple historical determinations, so they can only be won by showing its relevance and necessity as vital horizons of meaning in the formation of national identity.
The future professional will relate to the field of science and shall reflect upon its objective and the methods used to create new knowledge, as well as on the way it is applied and how it relates to technology. In this sense, the graduate may participate in interdisciplinary research projects as well as being a teacher at a university level in areas of philosophy, humanities, history of science and epistemology.
In the practical field, is urgent to have a philosophical approach of the moral and political problems. From those arising from scientific and technical impact on man and nature to the problems of political and economic development on which philosophical reflection has focused on the last decades worldwide. This open the doors to the philosopher in fields such as teaching ethics, politics and environment in high school, after obtaining a degree or masters in pedagogy and education. Another option is to advise public and private social projects.
Similarly it is necessary to create a philosophical language in relation to art and other cultural manifestations that allow developing tasks such as art criticism, the recovery of heritage or the design of cultural policies, and providing conceptual elements to identify the essential features of our culture. The education achieved in the program will also provide sufficient elements to continue postgraduate studies within or outside the country.