Introduction The Ph.D. in Environmental Science offered by UTP seeks to develop strategies for the integration of different disciplines that study the environmental dimension from the point of view of engineering, natural, social, cultural and economic sciences to understand the complexity of the problems of the environment. The research process suggested by this doctorate, shall be addressed from the relationship between society-environment-culture, focusing on the interactions that occur in the three bases of the environmental dimension: the eco-systemic base, the cultural base and the sustainable development. General Objective The general objective of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Science is to train high-level researchers, linked to the environmental sector, which will be able to work in interdisciplinary teams from a technological, ethical, social, political and economic dimension, to generate knowledge and propose alternative solutions to the problems associated with seeking environmentally sustainable development. Specific Objectives Generate knowledge from an interdisciplinary, holistic and systemic vision of the relation man-society-nature, to consolidate perspectives and theoretical and scientific positions to promote the resolution of national and regional environmental problems. Promote sustainable development patterns that contribute to improving environmental quality through the development and adaptation of innovative environmental technologies. Promote and strengthen mechanisms for interagency and intersectoral cooperation in a national and international level for the creation and consolidation of research groups in the environmental area. General information Title Awarded: Doctor in Environmental Science Program Duration and Dedication: The doctoral curriculum lasts eight semesters, full-time during the day and in site. Program Features: The program consists of different cycles that are integrated into subjects and research processes, as seen in the curriculum. The candidate must make his/her research focused on one of the interests of the program: Environment and culture. Planning and Environmental Management. Cleaner production and sustainable human development.
Leer publicación completa [+]Introduction The local environment corresponds to the environment in which people conduct their daily lives. Environmental components are air, water, soil, landscape, buildings and cities, the green areas and all interactions between them, including cultural values??, traditions and customs that influence how people use natural, economic and social resources. Local environmental problems such as illegal garbage, lack or deterioration of green areas, contamination of canals, rivers, estuaries and wetlands, air pollution, deterioration of areas of environmental value, transmission of vector-diseases, and nutritional deficiencies among others directly affects the quality of life of people. To address these problems major efforts of the community are required making alliances with the Municipality and other stakeholders to promote Local Environmental Management initiatives to prevent and correct environmental problems, for the recovery and preservation of the environmental quality and quality of people's lives. From this perspective, there is a need to train professionals from different areas involved in environmental issues, sensitive to social problems, with a systemic approach, allowing the performance of the Local Environmental Management in order to solve problems and use environmental opportunities for the local sustainable development in an atmosphere of community participation. Overview Target Audience The program is targeted to professionals from different disciplines working in public institutions at national, regional or local universities, research centers, NGOs and consultants who have their field of action in environmental issues. The student must demonstrate a professional degree and, if possible, experience in the environmental field. He / She must submit the requirements stated in Annex (1) to the Center of Registration and Academic Control in the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira. Occupational Profile Graduates will have analytical and technical capacity for assessing the environmental problems that affect communities, encouraging the most appropriate solutions from the perspective of the sustainability of actions and the follow up of the results of the executed actions. Its strengths are: His capacity for action corresponds to the administrative and technical level, and can perform tasks in relation to inspection and control of community environmental management, as well as perform educational and organizational processes in the field. As adviser to the communities in environmental monitoring, from a preventive perspective. Collaborate with local organizations and institutions in the implementing and operational aspects of environmental management. Collaborate in the development of diagnostics. Perform monitoring and surveillance activities. Identify polluting sources of the environment. Manage inspection techniques that help the decision-making. Participate in processes aimed at creating environmental awareness by promoting the sustainability of actions and preventive function. Curricular structure The program is developed in 5 semesters with a total of 33 credits. In total the specialization requires at least 414 hours of academic work by students, distributed as follows: 279 hours of theory, 135 hours of practice and for each theoretical or practical hour, it requires 3 hours of independent study. The curriculum is developed under the principle of academic flexibility, giving the student the opportunity to choose between 9 electives of which 4 are mandatory. These subjects correspond to the environmental problems and opportunities in which students deepen their knowledge and with the help of the subjects in the area will have the ability to plan, coordinate, evaluate and implement plans, programs and projects of environmental improvement. To be able to graduate a student must pass all of the credits which include a thesis project.
Leer publicación completa [+]Introduction The perception and priority of environmental issues has evolved substantively over the past two decades as a consequence of the worsening of environmental impacts on the quality of life of the inhabitants of the planet and the integrity of the natural heritage. It is clear that nature's resources are exhausting, that when used they depreciate, they lose their capacity to produce and are also affected by waste coming out of production and consumption. This raises the need to transform the paradigms of modern production, characterized by weak and highly polluting processes, into production systems that use the economic, human and natural resources in a sustainable manner. Thus, the program of Corporate Environmental Management seeks to train professionals in accordance with the National Policy for Cleaner Production and that try "introducing the environmental dimension in the productive and service sectors to prevent and effectively minimize the impacts and risks to humans and the environment, ensuring economic growth, social welfare, environmental protection and business competitiveness." Objectives Train specialists capable of contributing to sustainable development and solving complex environmental problems, with broad skills and a strong ability to intervene in the following fields: Prevention and minimization of pollution. Prevent, mitigate, correct and / or compensate for environmental impacts. Adopt cleaner technologies and better management practices. Energy efficiency - Energy cleaner. Minimize consumption of natural resources and raw materials. Minimize waste and by-products and recycle. Target audience Professionals from different disciplines who work in public or private institutions, research centers, NGOs and consulting firms in the productive or services sector that have their scope in environmental issues. Occupational Profile The graduates of the Specialization in Corporate Environmental Management must be capable of responding to environmental problems caused by the productive and services sectors and propose opportunities to enable the company to raise its level of competitiveness. Therefore, the specialist will be able to: Develop, coordinate and evaluate environmental management systems. Participate in organizational, education and communication processes for corporate environmental sustainability. Provide guidance and operate technical processes of corporate environmental management.
Leer publicación completa [+]Introduction Since the 70’s in the twentieth-century, the environmental concern has been in place in both the public agenda and the academy. The crisis of our civilization represented in global environmental problems, is evident in their different ecological, cultural and economic impacts. From the ecological point of view, excessive use of resources, its inappropriate forms of extraction, its poor usage and waste generation, have caused serious and irreversible damage to terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments. In the social sphere, development models focused on industrial growth create vulnerabilities in unsustainable societies. Finally, in the economic aspect, production of consumer goods and services associated with the use of polluting technologies and materials has produced chemical and biological toxic waste that directly affect the quality of life of the population. In contrast to traditional technologies, the letter from Rio (1992), sees green technology as an effective strategy for sustainable economic growth, by reducing pollution processes, reduction in consumption rates and use of raw materials; promotes industrial processes with minimal or no impact, and finally, reuse and recycle materials. This ultimately allows the coexistence of nature with the sustainable development. As explained in the agenda XXI, green technologies "are not just individual technologies, but total systems which include know-how, procedures, goods, services and equipment, as well as organization and management procedures." Information The Master in Ecotechnology is offered as a research master focusing on two main lines of interest: Water, sanitation and cleaner production Line Agricultural production and ecological restoration Line. The education is based upon these two lines of research taking into account the development of concepts and skills associated with green technologies especially related to the industry, ecological sanitation, biotechnology (bioremediation, phytoremediation), recovery of ecosystems and energy sources. The curriculum also has electives with an end complementary to the Objectives of the Master. Title Awarded Master of Science in Ecotechnology Objectives Be a researcher with high human and ethical sense, with strong technical criteria to analyze, propose, design and project environmentally friendly technological solutions. Promote research processes in environmentally friendly or eco-technologies with emphasis on water resources, agriculture, forests and cleaner production. Rescue productive traditional technologies in Latin America to provide alternative solutions to their most pressing environmental problems. Encourage the theoretical development of environmental technology. Promote the Masters in Ecotechnology interaction with political and social structures in the region, seeking their participation in strategic decision making for the future of the region.
Leer publicación completa [+]Introduction Plant Biology is the science that studies plants and vegetation as an integral system, and is based on disciplines such as Systematic, Biotechnology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Genetics, Palynology, Pathology, Climatology, Geography and Evolution, among others. For this Master, the strengths of the Universidad del Quindío, the Universidad de Caldas and the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira where articulated from their researches in Plant Biodiversity, Ecology and Plant Biotechnology. These institutions have been supporting the creation of research groups and strengthening the undergraduate programs of Biological and Environmental Sciences. The Postgraduate includes studies in descriptive flora, ecological and molecular characterization and plant breeding. The Master in Plant Biology generates new knowledge concerning plant resources that can contribute to community education, development of science and technology, in order to generate strategies for the conservation and use of plants and vegetation. With the Master in Plant Biology it is expected to improve the quality of management of plant resources in the region, through qualified professionals in the biological, agricultural, chemical and environmental sciences. The MSc may perform as managers and researchers for institutes, laboratories, gene banks, regional corporations, herbaria, museums and as teachers in high schools and universities. The graduate of the Masters in Plant Biology can actively participate in multidisciplinary research groups to help develop methodologies to address problems associated with plant biology, whose current trends point to functional diversity, ecosystem restoration, conservation of species , phylogenetic systematic, molecular biology, agricultural biotechnology and genomics, among others. Information Program Name: Master in Plant Biology Title Awarded: Students will receive the title Master of Science - Plant Biology. The title will be awarded jointly by the Universidad de Caldas, Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira and the Universidad del Quindio. The Master is accredited by 3 higher education institutions, namely: Universidad del Quindio. Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira Universidad de Caldas The research interests, institutions, researchers, teachers and students of the Master are the pillars of the Biodiversity Research Center. Likewise, for the thesis there is the possibility to count with researchers from CENICAFE and CIAT. Target Mainly to: Biologists Agricultural Engineers Forestry Engineers Option to: Chemicals Agribusiness Administrators Environmental Managers Environmental Engineers Students who have not studied Ecology and Taxonomy or Plant Systematic while being an undergraduate are obliged to take them for leveling. Objectives To contribute to the characterization of the Colombian flora mega diversity to design management, protection and conservation plans of Andean ecosystems. Promote the understanding and management of biological resources as a strategy for conservation and utilization of genetic biodiversity of the country. Develop techniques for growing in vitro vegetables and for the characterization of the rich vegetation while supporting agriforestry. Establish mechanisms for the protection, conservation and usage of fragile ecosystems according to their dynamics. Socialize the botanical knowledge of the Colombian Andean flora. Research Interests: The training process has two research interests, each of which will be coordinated and directed by groups of experienced researchers in the area and have the support of institutions with expertise and adequate infrastructure, namely: Research in Plant Diversity Research in Plant Biotechnology General topics or integrators They refer to three workshops based on each of the research interests, they are: Vascular Plant Systematic Photochemistry Plant Ecology Plant Biotechnology These topics aim to give a comprehensive and coordinated training on basic topics, so they must be studied and approved by all students in the program. They will be taken in the first semester, each one will run for 5 weeks and in total will be equivalent to 4 credits (4 hours/week/16 weeks = 64 hours). Specific Topics They refer to specific courses or seminars on each line of research and will only be studied by students who take the line, they are: You must complete 5 in each line. Line of Plant Diversity: Angiosperm Systematic and Botanical names. Biogeography Modern plant classification systems Agriecosystems, Forests and Biodiversity Production of plantlets Line of Plant Biotechnology: Population Genetics Advanced Topics in Plant Biotechnology Production of plantlets Plant Genetic Resources Angiosperm systematic and Botanical names The research process that each student must carry out in each line of research is: Research Seminar Research Work The research seminar will be made during the first semester and it’s meant to define and introduce the draft to the research work, which will take place in the next three semesters of the Master. The seminar will last one semester and will be equivalent to 4 credits (4 hours/week/16 weeks = 64 hours). The research work will last for 3 semesters and will be equivalent to 12 credits.
Leer publicación completa [+]Introduction The Environmental Management School is responsible for training professionals who are able to manage the environment technically and scientifically and to manage the potential supply of biophysical resources, generating new criteria and conditions that promote the rise in the quality of life within a rational and sustainable process. To achieve its objective, the school has the Environmental Management academic program approved by the ICFES in 1992. This academic program pursues a greater identification of the manager with the environment and a good decision-making, both in public and in private companies. The curriculum is based on interdisciplinary and the reading of the new concept of sustainable development. Therefore the student makes a reading of the local and regional environmental problems, while getting to know the social and administrative tools that allow providing consistent, accurate and context answers to the environment conflicts. Environmental management, as a discipline and as a support tool for decision-making, has been inserted in the educational process as a way to solve different environmental issues. General Objective Train a professional who is able to scientifically manage environmental issues and resource supply in the biophysical and socio-cultural sphere, to the generation of the approaches that promote sustainable regional development. Specific Objectives Apply administrative, economic and socio-cultural principles and theories to the sustainable development management in municipal and regional environment. Identify the role and responsibility of public and private organizations, national and international, with regard to sustainable development. Develop operational, technological and management schemes for environmental zoning Understand the environmental policy and legislation for proper insertion into sustainable development plans. Develop community development projects in line with municipal and regional development plans, towards the achievement of the objectives outlined in environmental management. Suggest alternative solutions to environmental problems at the community, institutional and technical levels both locally and regionally. Plan environmental impact assessment for processes and productive and infrastructure projects. Plan corporate environmental management systems in line with national and international standards. To promote environmentally appropriate production alternatives, in accordance to the politics of cleaner production. Manage plans, programs and projects of drinking water and sanitation. Apply the principles and methodology of cultural management as a social strategy for the sustainability of environmental processes. Manage geographic and environmental information systems. Profile The Environmental Manager The Environmental Manager promotes the new knowledge, axiology, strategies and techniques that require the new environmental dimension of development; addressing it as a complex object of study, able to understand environmental issues and opportunities with a systemic and interdisciplinary view; and with skills not only for the public planning but also for the fields of organization, enforcement and environmental auditing of private companies. Occupational Profile The Environmental Manager performs tasks related to development plans and land use and zoning inserting the environmental variable into them. Manages programs and projects for environmental impact and pollution control; develops basic and applied research projects; advises public and private entities in the planning and management of programs and projects with environmental impact. Since the study of the environmental dimension must be addressed in an interdisciplinary way, the environmental manager will be permanently working with groups to develop urban and rural environmental projects. Professional Profile Policies, standards and strategies for the conservation and proper use of national biological and ecological heritage. Land Management Plans and management of watersheds and urban, rural and regional environmental management plans. Plans, programs and projects of sector environmental management and environmental auditing. Plans, programs and projects for natural resource management. Plans, programs and projects of risk management. Environmental Diagnostics, environmental management plans and environmental impact assessment. Plans, programs and projects for environmental monitoring. Plans, programs and projects aimed at assessing environmental goods and services around bio and green markets. Plans, programs and projects for environmental education, for community environmental management around the environmental heritage. Plans, programs and projects for environmental research. Plans programs and projects in protected national, regional and local areas Plans, programs and projects of drinking water and basic sanitation. Plans, programs and projects in theme parks. Leadership and leading interdisciplinary teams on environmental projects. Environmental Manager Skills: Capabilities Synthesis, to extract the useful and productive part of each technique, model or experience. Planning, to achieve the desired goals. Organizing, to shape the ideas or alternatives, so that elements follow in an orderly and logical manner. Creativity, to imagine, be original, and have initiative. Of design, to make descriptions or sketches of models, procedures, methods, forms and systems. Integration, to jointly manage the human, economic, financial and physical resources of the company. Evaluation, to select and define the factors in a process, problem or situation. Of control, to ensure accomplishment of the goals. Abilities and Skills Basic, to know how to prepare, conduct and evaluate experiences, information, results, carry out models, induce behaviors, make decisions and solve problems. Communication, to transmit and motivate different people involved in the work. Persuasive, to influence others with ideas and implement programs and actions. Resourcefulness, to respond to various aspects of the community to which he/she is providing professional services to. Attitudes Concern for achieving objectives. Responsibility for the roles and projects undertaken. Continuity of purpose and actions. Collaboration in the work of others and team work. Adaptability to technical innovation, new knowledge and scientific inquiry and research. Responsiveness to change, for the ideas of others. Professional Technician in Sustainable Tourism Processes Objectives: To train professional technicians with the ability to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Tourism Administration, which are able to respond to situations and problems that arise in the daily life of tourism services; including incoming tourism operators and tourist hospitality. By the end of the program, the professional technicians will be able to: Operate in tourist companies and provide services for each of the subsectors that make up the sector. Operate tourist processes related to natural or cultural attractions. Respond to requests from tourists always seeking satisfaction in the context of sustainable development. Perform basic management to ensure a coordinated delivery of tourist services. Occupational Profile The Professional Technician in Sustainable Tourism Processes of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira will be able to carry out activities consisting in applying service techniques for the tourism industry; according to the technical emphasis chosen, which are "Tourism Operation" and "Hospitality and Cuisine". The abilities and skills by the end of the program will be: A) Technical emphasis in Tourism Operation Guidance techniques for tourist sites and scenarios Techniques for the design and operation of tourist programs Techniques for organizing events Techniques for development of activities in tourist attractions B) Technical emphasis in Hospitality and Cuisine Cooking Techniques for food facilities Bar and dining room techniques for food facilities Lobby techniques for hotels Steward techniques for rural housing or B&Bs Additionally, the University is focused on bilingualism. For this reason, the students shall study four modules in English using the Institute of Foreign Languages ??- ILEX.
Leer publicación completa [+]Mission We are a scientific and academic community that leads, generates and socializes the environmental knowledge. We are a member of the Technological University of Pereira, that carries out teaching, research and outreach processes and focuses its resources to the knowledge and management of environmental systems. We serve the academic community and civil society for the collective construction of solutions to problem situations and the use of environmental opportunities for sustainable human development in the local, regional, national and international levels. We design, implement and encourage alternative technologies and methodologies to help improve the quality of life with social equity, based on the principles and values ??of the university. Vision The Faculty of Environmental Sciences, as a part of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, leads environmental management through teaching, researching and social outreaching. The Faculty serves the academic community, government and social organizations at a regional, national and international level, with technologies oriented on the sustainable human development. It has trained staff, undergraduate and postgraduate programs, modern infrastructure, consolidated research groups and international cooperation. Works in interdisciplinary teams integrated with the community, respecting human dignity and environmental conservation with equity and social justice. Description of the Interdisciplinary Department The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, is the academic unit responsible for the cultural area and for the interdisciplinary developments in undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered by the Faculty. It has an appropriate group of teachers and researchers in different fields: Anthropology, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Communication, Environmental Education, Sustainable Tourism, Environmental Administration, etc. that works in synergy with the other teachers of the basic environmental and administrative areas. It is currently responsible for the Professional and Occupational Profile in Cultural Environmental Management of the undergraduate program of Environmental Management. It is committed to strengthen the core thematic of environmental culture, while directing the contents of the PhD program in Environmental Sciences (together with the Universidad del Valle and Universidad del Cauca), in the area of ??emphasis: Culture and Environment. Since its conception, the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies was conceived as an academic and administrative body of strategic importance to promote interdisciplinary studies in the environmental field. It has worked towards strengthening academic processes that train environmental directors with interdisciplinary criteria. Its incidence has been reflected in processes such as: Defining the Core themes and issues in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, the modernization of Environmental Management Program and, finally, the process of Joint Planning of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Internships. Its current director is the Ph.D. anthropologist Carlos Eduardo Lopez and as professors the PhDs Ana Patricia Quintana, Leon Felipe Cubillos and Hugo Lopez Martinez. The assistant professors are: Carlos Ignacio Jimenez, Herney Patiño, Carolina Díaz and Carolina Saldarriaga. The Department has the Management in Culture and Environmental Education Research Group, recognized by COLCIENCIAS in Category C. This group carries out projects regarding the diagnosis, analysis and management of cultural processes related to environmental awareness, promoting interdisciplinary approaches around the epistemological construction, the heritage recovery and social practices concerning environmental sustainability. Its research interests are: Historical Ecology and Cultural Heritage Environmental Education and Communication Social Organizations and Environmental Conflicts (Part of Risk Management) Cultural Environmental Management Sustainable Tourism Its Mission is to develop studies on historical and political relations between nature and culture, interpretation / resolution of environmental conflicts and the strengthening of social organizations for the environmental management through research and implementation of strategies in education, environmental communication and cultural management. Its Vision is to be a source of information and develop research, teaching and outreach on environmental issues in cultural dimension. It is based on the theoretical and practical education of undergraduate and postgraduate students, to carry out research projects, consultancies and sustainable social development. Description of the Basic Sciences Department The Department of Environmental Basic Sciences is part of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. This department coordinates academic activities that use the knowledge of undergraduate students in Environmental Management in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Technology for the conservation and preservation of the environment. It gets support from other Faculties of the U.T.P. such as Basic Sciences and the School of Chemical Technology. Since its inception, the Department has led interdisciplinary research processes in the Faculty, in areas such as vegetation biotechnology, biodiversity, water and sanitation, solid waste, agro-ecology, environmental goods and services, climate change, among others; while contributing to the solution of environmental problems in Risaralda and the Colombian Coffee Region. In conjunction with the Postgraduate Office of the Faculty, this department has led the Masters in Vegetation Biology (an Agreement between the Universidad de Caldas, Universidad del Quindio and UTP), the Masters in Ecotechnology and the new Masters in Environmental Sciences. It also participates actively in the Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (an Agreement between the Universidad del Cauca, Universidad del Valle, and UTP). The Department has the following research interests: Biodiversity and Biotechnology (GIBB) Water and Sanitation (GIAS) Tropical Andean Agriecosystem Management (GATA) Description of the Department of Administrative Sciences The Department of Administrative Sciences is responsible for the education of economic, financial and accounting of the program of Environmental Management. It plans and develops jointly with teaching, researching and outreaching, the solution of environmental problems according to the needs of the society, within the context of Sustainable Development and with a systems approach.
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