Master in Teaching Mathematics


Study specific mathematics topics that are required both in high school and in the early college levels and that will allow the teacher to reply adequately when faced with teaching some of them.

Reflect on the different methodologies and pedagogical practices in teaching mathematics, using both the existing literature and the students' own experience.
To promote in students the opportunity to develop as a researcher either in a specific area of mathematics or mathematics education. This can be done individually through the development of a research paper side by side with a research tutor or in research groups within the academic community.

Professional Profile

The Master in Teaching Mathematics will be able to perform efficiently in:

As an active member of  research groups.

Use appropriately the available technology options to improve the teaching-learning process.
Develop a critical mind and a capacity for analysis and synthesis, with in an open mind towards the changes of the educational process

Apply science to solve specific problems.

As a professional, stand out for their epistemological, scientific and practical understanding of the teaching aspects that determine their work as an educator to adapt to each specific situation while learning the various techniques and teaching methods in an attempt to improve teaching and learning processes involved in these situations.
As a teacher of a specific area of knowledge.

Research Interests

  •  Differential Geometry
  •  Differential Equations
  •  Statistics, Logic and Algebra
  •  Mathematics Education
Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:27 AM
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