Specialization in Data Networks


The Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, through the Faculty of Engineering, and specifically the program of Systems and IT Engineer offers a postgraduate academic program in the area of Data Networks with the idea of offering a Master degree in the future. It is based on the extensive experience and track record achieved in over a decade which is evidenced by the quality of its graduates that answer the growing needs in the local, regional and national levels to improve productivity and competitiveness of businesses, enabling them to make efficient use of technology platforms that support business activities. It is offered to graduate students with the confidence of having a program of high academic quality and relevance in our region.

Awarded Title: Specialist in data networks.


The Specialization in Data Networks lasts for two semesters. It will have curriculum committee, which will be chaired by the Director of the Program and representative teachers from each one of the areas, a representative of the graduates and a representative of the students. This entity will be responsible for performing constant verification of the contents of the subjects in order to ensure the relevance of the content taught.


The subjects will include a theoretical component as well as a practical one. At least 30% of each subject corresponds to the practical part which involves laboratory practices and / or projects with teacher supervision. The theoretical part corresponds to lectures where they develop deeper theoretical aspects of each topic. The program is offered using the in site mode.


Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 5:29 PM
Telefono: +57 6 3137139, 3137131 Fax: 3212769 Contacto: english@utp.edu.co
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