Specialization in Digital Electronics


The program of Specialization in Digital Electronics seeks for the improvement of the production and the competitiveness of corporations by using electronics.

Professional Profile

The graduate will be able to apply its skills and knowledge to design and implement advanced electronic-based systems for monitoring and controlling production processes. The goal is to increase productivity and competitiveness of the companies. The graduate will be capable of leading technology innovation through research, design, planning, development and implementation of solutions in the field of Digital Electronics. He / She will be trained for the proper formulation of proposals, research projects and technological development. The graduate can participate in research, teaching, technology development, consulting, and project management in the academic and business fields.


General Objective

The program will train specialists in digital electronics with solid knowledge and research skills in the areas of Data Processing, Control, and Embedded Systems, with capacity for creation, innovation and technological development through optimum usage of physical, technical and human resources; while pursuing the humanity, scientific and technological development not only of the region but of the country.

Specific Objectives

  • Deepen the knowledge in areas such as data processing, control and embedded systems, while apply this knowledge to help improve productivity and competitiveness of organizations and the quality of life of people.
  • To train professionals to act as promoters and managers of innovation and technological change.
  • Provide information on current developments and technological trends in the area of ??digital electronics.
  • To train engineering professionals with a high sense of ethical responsibility and social awareness for exemplary future performance.

Awarded title:

Digital Electronics Specialist


The program is offered using the in site mode.


Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 5:33 PM
Telefono: +57 6 3137139, 3137131 Fax: 3212769 Contacto: english@utp.edu.co
CRIE • © 2014 • Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira