Specialization in Business Logistics

General Objective

Train specialists in Business Logistics that are able to analyze different types of problems that arise in logistics systems and flows of materials and information inherent to them, dealing with appropriate techniques the subsystems of procurement, production and distribution, providing a better level of service to customers.

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the theoretical foundations of strategic management in logistics and analyze the support tools to evaluate and improve the subsystems of procurement, production and distribution, while promoting the development of new operational skills, methods and procedures necessary for the proper performance of the supply chain.
  • Develop a Strategic Vision of logistics, the scope of its reach and its impact on economic performance; as well as the management tools to optimize the results of logistics management, in order to maximize the added value of the company
  • Gain the knowledge to have comprehensive vision of logistics management that improves the process of decision making.

Professional Profile

The Specialization program in Business Logistics is designed for professionals engaged in activities related to operations management and business logistics and that are interested in updating their professional profile in the different aspects related to logistics. The applications made by professionals in Business Administration and related will be considered by the Curriculum Committee of the program, which will decide if leveling courses are needed.  

Última actualización: Lunes, Febrero 06, 2012 3:05 PM
Telefono: +57 6 3137139, 3137131 Fax: 3212769 Contacto: english@utp.edu.co
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