Industrial Engineering

Concept of Industrial Engineer

The Industrial Engineer of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, is a person with an overall education and systemic thinking. Able to perform socially and professionally, using technology and research for the integration and optimization of human, material, economic and information resources in the industrial and commercial systems while interacting with the different interested parts in order to contribute to the local, regional and national development with social in a dynamic, globalized and  competitive environment.


The Industrial Engineer of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira is a person able to:

  • Lead, manage, and monitor all kinds of public or private organizations, under the strictest principles of ethics, morality and social responsibility.

  • Participate in inter and trans disciplinary groups within the local, national and international context and committed to the development of the country.

  • Apply solutions to complex problems, using tools and methods of optimization in order to improve productivity, quality and competitiveness.

  • Investigate, innovate and develop processes for the production and distribution of goods or services in all types of organizations pursuing the highest economic and financial returns and with social impact.

  • Take the profession to higher levels of education.


Global Skills

Solve strategic, operational and support problems focusing on continuous improvement and respecting internal policies, of the environment and of society.

Specific Skills

Apply concepts of engineering to processes using statistical models, technology, logistics, human talent while generating quality and productivity.


Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 11:26 AM
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CRIE • © 2014 • Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira