General and Specific Objectives
Offer the professionals to deepen their education in order to lead research processes and apply Operations Research techniques and multivariate statistics in Engineering, Management and the Academic.
Professional and Occupational Profile
- Solve problems, create and develop technologies associated with mathematical modeling, supported in the use and development of software.
- Analyze and study various optimization methodologies for subsequent application in solving problems in different areas of engineering and management.
- Build and develop forecasting models to estimate future demand.
- Process and analyze statistical data for policy-making.
- Plan, schedule and control production operations in manufacturing and service companies.
- Design, organize and optimize mathematical models.
- Conduct research projects.
- Schedule the sequence of operations of different tasks in order to optimize in some measure its execution.
- Design and analyze statistical experiments.
- Perform tests of discrete and continuous simulation.
The postgraduate is held in site using lectures, research, workshops and group work.
A Thesis Project is required to complete the studies and be able to graduate.
Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 11:36 AM