Mission: The Sports and Recreation Sciences program trains professionals with a biopsychosocial approach and develops the scientific knowledge in the area of ??health related to sports, recreation and physical activity for the benefit of individuals and communities.
Vision: To be a recognized center of academic excellence for its achievements in the field of health through sport, recreation and physical activity at national and international level.
General Objective: Train professionals in Sports and Recreation from an overall perspective, enabling them to coach, lead and manage physical activity, sports and recreation while being focused on the social welfare of the individual and the community.
Specific Objectives
Since the year of 1990, this program belongs to the Medicine School of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira. It was created due to the need for a space for professional training in areas related to sports and recreation. From its beginning, the programmatic discussion was centered on the need to improve the quality of life through sports and recreation for the general population (non-school, no athletes) who do not have access to skilled professionals to guide them. Given the innovative Vision, its program has evolved from a continuing process of retraining and skills in the content, courses, prerequisites, practice, academic settings, institutional relations and human and technical resources. The administrative structure has undergone significant changes in the conformation of the areas and advisory committees, but follows the general guidelines of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, where for every program there is a director and a board of teachers (the latter considered the highest decision-making decisions). Advisory committees are the internships, final project and curriculum with four fields of knowledge or areas such as Sport, Recreation, Basic and Applied and Research and Development.
Professional Profile:
The Professional in Sports and Recreation Science form the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira may perform activities related to:
Occupational Profile:
The foundations of the program of Sports and Recreation Science are focused on: