Health Science Faculty

Mission: The Health Sciences Faculty at the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira trains human talent in disciplines and sciences related to individual and collective health and conditioning factors with a biopsychosocial approach, developing scientific knowledge that benefits people and communities.

Vision: Become by 2019 a center of academic excellence recognized for its achievements in the field of health sciences within a national and international level.

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To develop scientific knowledge and to train professionals in the field of health in undergraduate and postgraduate with a biopsychosocial approach, responsive to the needs of people and the environment.


  • Strengthen the development of scientific knowledge of health and its biological, social, economic and political issues and apply them to solving environmental needs.
  • To train professionals capable of working in health promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation at an individual, family and community levels.
  • Develop an administrative process applied to academic programs and the Health Sciences Faculty that achieves greater efficiency and social benefits with the available resources.
  • Carry out social welfare activities for all the academic community of the Health Sciences Faculty to promote the harmonious development of the personality.

 Strategies and Policies

  • Maintain accreditation of programs
  • Provide health projects and programs with social impact (teaching, extension, research and welfare)
  • Coordinate the teaching, research, extension and welfare
  • To promote academic, learning and research freedom
  • Strengthen continuing education
  • Coordination with other levels of education
  • Continuous improvement of administrative processes
  • To establish and maintain the culture of the academic community
  • Promote the educational qualifications of teachers
  • Strengthen the professional identity
  • Strengthen and uplift the college welfare of the faculty members

 Research Interests


  • Molecular Biology – Biotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Physiology and Immunebiology
  • Drug-genetic
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Models for morphological science education

Culture and Health

  • Society and Community
  • History of health and disease
  • Social Development
  • Humanistic Development
  • Bioethics

 Lifestyle and Behavior

  • Mental Health.
  • Mental Illness
  • Health Education.
  • Physical Culture
  • Recreation
  • Psycho-motor

Health Services

  • Health Systems
  • Health Promotion
  • Prevention of Disease
  • Care (Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation)
  • Rehabilitation
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine


  • Ecology and health
  • Environmental Sanitation.
  • Health, safety and risk control
  • Risk management (prevention and disaster care)

 Professional Profile

  • Committed to his vocation and the quality of service.
  • Able to guide the knowledge acquired into practice teamwork.
  • Able to contribute to the health education of the individual, family and community.
  • Self learner that continues learning and adapting to changes that occur in a scientific, technical, administrative and social level and able to be involved in its development.
  • Underlying the exercise of his profession in the domain of the scientific basis of health sciences while applying scientific reasoning practices and social thought.
  • Independent and with moral, legal and ethic responsibility in making decisions as health care professional.
  • Respectful of life, applying legal and ethical principles in the practice of the profession of health sciences.
  • Solidarity towards the social and health problems of the individual, family and community.
  • To identify the determinants of individual and collective health and recognize and apply the principles of holistic health care.
  • Facilitator in the search for the welfare of the individual, family and community
  • Prepared for the discernment that requires the scientific, human and social practice.
  • Respectful of knowledge and role of colleagues and other health team members.
  • Critical of the socio-economic, administrative, ecological, cultural and political factors that affect health and professional practice
  • Prepared for the use of technology resources in the context of health sciences
  • Committed to himself, to the profession, with the health team, with the community and the environment, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Able to participate in solving the main problems of individual and collective health with a holistic approach from the biological, psychological and social perspectives.
  • Able to communicate effectively as a professional.
  • Ability to understand and participate in the design of public policy and health system.
  • Identified and committed with the Health Sciences Faculty and the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira.

Basic Skills

  • Embrace the fundamentals and develop concepts and ideas on health.
  • Understand the components of the scientific rationale for comprehensive health care.
  • Know the components and develop skills in the biological, psychological and social dimensions of the individual and collective health to perform in different contexts, knowing his/her capabilities and limitations.
  • Schedule and implement activities to promote health
  • Know, promote and respect the rights to health and life of humans and animals and protect the environment.
  • Understand the importance of other sciences and disciplines for addressing health and interact with them with respect for cultural diversity.
  • Understand, design and implement intervention strategies related to the health culture.
  • Understand the foundations of physical education, recreation and human development to design and implement intervention strategies.
  • Know the Health System and its foundations to engage in comprehensive health care and know the subsystem in order to assume critical positions, being proactive in relation to public policy.
  • Identify the conceptual elements of social and humanistic developments related to health and get engaged in different training areas with an attitude of solidarity towards different social groups.
  • Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and apply them in the design and development of health-related projects
  • Understand the fundamentals of epidemiological awareness in order to design and implement activities and models necessary for comprehensive health care.
  • Understand, design and implement intervention psychomotor development strategies in living organisms at different stages or cycles.
  • Know and apply legal and ethical principles during professional practice with ethical behavior towards the individual and collective health.
  • Acquire the basics on sanitation to design and implement intervention strategies related to the preservation, respect, protection and proper maintenance of environmental health.
  • Know the basics of hygiene, safety and risk management to implement them while taking self-care measures for all the team and using biosecurity elements on the performance.
  • Have the knowledge and implement risk management activities of emergencies and disasters.
  • Acquire the fundamentals to design and develop scientific health research.
  • Interpret the administration principles and apply them in the management of health services.
Última actualización: Martes, Enero 31, 2012 5:00 PM
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CRIE • © 2014 • Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira