PhD in Education


Taking into account that the importance of education, besides the appropriate use of communication tools foresees a correct emission and reception of content through pedagogical techniques to intervene in the process of political, economic and cultural development of society, the UTP has established the Ph.D. program in Education. Professionals interested in exploring this field, will be able to contribute to the creation of educational thinking trends and also to strengthen academic communities through a dynamic ongoing dialogue and exchange through networks and projects.


The PhD in Educational Sciences seeks to train researchers who have intellectual and critical skills to select, diagnose, and theorize the factors involved in shaping educational culture. The orientation towards the production of knowledge involves a commitment to training in scientific rationality in ethical responsibility to provide direction, coherence and identity to Latin American education.

General Objectives

  • Direct research towards the Latin American educational problems.
  • To manage joint research projects between universities in Colombia, Latin America and Europe and of other continents.
  •  Develop student and faculty exchange between universities and educational institutions in Latin America.
  • Promote interagency publications about Latin American educational context.
  • Provide teachers and doctoral students access to libraries, documentation centers, networks and information systems on the Internet.
  • Encourage academic training of university teachers in the doctoral level.
  • Promote the organization of doctoral academic events: congresses, symposia, seminars, meetings in the field of American education.

Objectives of the Educational Thought and Communication Area

  • Support and promote the formation of autonomous and competent researchers in the scientific study of the problems of educational thought and communication that allow for the formulation and implementation of policies and projects to accompany processes and innovations in the four lines of the area.
  • Promote research practices, knowledge and attitudes for the formation of a critical mass of researchers and university professors that can provide relevant elements for the study and understanding of priority educational problems in the area of educational thought and communication, as conceived in this doctoral program.
  • Contribute to the creation of schools of thought about educational thinking and communication, and also to strengthen academic communities through a dynamic ongoing dialogue and exchange through networks and projects.

Lines of Research

  • The University in Latin America and the development of critical thinking and defense of Human Rights in Latin America. Balance and Perspectives.
  • Latin American educational thought.
  • Research Interests:
    • Inside the coffee world
    • Educational Communication
    • Education and Human Development
    • Studies of speech and communication
    • Urban Intercultural studies for the social and community development
    • Regional studies on literature and culture
    • Philosophy and Memory
    • Study group in reading and writing
    • Research in Education and Pedagogy
    • Research on assessment
    • Game and Human Development
    • Language, Literature and Politics: Cross-sectional studies
    • Colombian and Latin American Literature
    • Political, social development, educational and historical representations
    • Upcoming:
      • Physical Activity and Recreation during Childhood
      • Critical analysis of journalistic discourse
      • Civic Skills
      • Culture and Communication
      • The analysis and creation of poetry in Luna de Locos
      • Strategies for managing conflict in the classroom
      • Family, Education and Health
      • Ethnic groups, territory and environment
      • Symbolic hermeneutics
      • Human Intelligence
      • Research education in history, political culture and education
      • Reading and Writing in the University
      • Reading and Writing in School
      • Indian Latin American Literature in the BA in Spanish and Literature
      • Contemporary philosophical and political thought in Latin America
      • Research Practices in Education
      • Recreation and Human Development
      • Magazine specialized in literary story "Caballo Perdido Revista de Ficción Breve"
      • “Polifonía” Literary Magazine
      • Sociocriticism
Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 11:23 AM
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