In Brief

Art science technology for new generation

The Universidad Tecnológica Pereira is an official entity at state level.  It was created in accordance with Law 41 of 15 December 1958 as ordained by the Congress of the Republic.  Its founder and first principal was Jorge Martínez Roa.

The university opened its doors on the 4th March 1961 with only one undergraduate degree programme, that of Electrical Engineering.

Slowly the institution began to offer more programmes.  In chronological order these are:

  • 1962:  Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering
  • 1965:  Institute of Music Pedagogy, today the Faculty of Fine Arts and Humanities.  In 1981 its programmes in Fine Arts and Music Teaching were officially approved, followed in 1988 by the Philosophy teaching programme.
  • 1966:  Instituto Politécnico Universitario.  Originally equipped to train Engineering Assistants today referred to as Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Technicians.  It later became the Faculty of Technology.
  • 1967:  Faculty of Education Science.  Currently it offers Certificates of Education in Physics, Mathematics, Spanish and Literature, Ethno-Education and Community Development, Infant Pedagogy.  It will soon inaugurate an Educational Computer Technology Degree.
  • 1968:  Methodology in the Chemical Laboratory (today Chemical Technology)
  • 1968:  Architectural Design (currently unavailable)
  • 1977:  Faculty of Medicine
  • 1989:  Sport Science and Leisure
  • 1991:  Management of the Environment
  • 1991:  Information Technology and Computer Science
  • 2002:  Physics Engineering
  • 2003:  Electrical Engineering 
Última actualización: Martes, Febrero 28, 2012 11:11 AM
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