General Secretariat

General Information

The General Secretariat of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, is attached directly to the Rectory and ensures the proper and lawful execution of academic and administrative procedures, through counseling, issuance, publication and custody of all laws, agreements and resolutions emanating by the Superior Council and Academic Council and advises the Rector from a legal point of view and thus protects the interests and property of the University.

It was created in 1960 by resolution number 1 issued by the Superior Council. Currently, this unit has a structure made by the Secretary General, a law office, which handles the contracting process of the University and an administrative assistant that helps in all the processes in this unit. 

Among other functions, according to the General Statute, the Secretary General is responsible for:

  • Endorsing with his/her signature the minutes, agreements and other acts issued by the Superior and Academic Councils, which must be signed also by the respective Chairman.
  • Keeping and guarding under appropriate conditions the files of the Supreme Council and other bodies of which he/she is the Secretary.
  • Authenticating the signatures of the presidents of the councils and scholars, the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and Deans of each faculty.
  • Reporting on legal and regulatory terms, the acts issued by the Rector and the Councils of which he/she is the Secretary.
  • Providing legal advice to the university, the rector, the management bodies and university officials who need it for making decisions.

The Document Management Group, a dependency that is responsible for the custody of the legal file of the University, is attached to the General Secretariat.

With this structure, the General Secretariat has a clear Vision of being participant in the negotiations and developments that lead to institutional accreditation, using effectiveness and process efficiency, modernization and growth of the university, respect for fundamental rights of the members of the community, seeking determinations that lead towards these Objectives while being recognized by the international scientific and academic community as an Institution of High Quality.


Ensure adequate and legal enforcement of academic and administrative procedures through advice, publishing, and custody of all laws, agreements and resolutions issued by the H. Superior and Academic Councils and legally advise the Rector in order to protect the interests and property of the University.

Última actualización: Martes, Enero 31, 2012 11:07 AM
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